Old Ike charges onto the scene!
The Presidential Pet Museum is proud to announce the arrival of their new children’s book series, POTUS PETS! Come, learn about United States history through the eyes of the White House’s wildest residents–the presidents’ animals!
In the first book of the series, Old Ike, readers meet Woodrow Wilson’s cantankerous, tobacco-chewing ram who was brought to Washington to help win World War I. What place does a ram have on the White House lawn? How can the world be made safe for democracy? Will the president’s rose bushes survive?
Old Ike was written by the Presidential Pet Museum’s historian-in-residence, Andrew Hager, as a way to introduce children in grades 4-6 to American history. With gentle humor and gorgeous illustration from Nora Sawyer, the book vividly presents the issues of the Wilson presidency through Ike’s fictionalized adventures.
Soon to be available via, Kindle ebook and audiobook.
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