LEFT: Florence Harding and Laddie Boy. Photo from The Library of Congress.
RIGHT: Laddie Boy poses on the White House lawn with a girl identified as “child movie queen, Mariana Batista.”
As First Dog, Laddie Boy was worthy of an official portrait.
A 2-year-old Laddie Boy stands guard over a birthday cake made from dog biscuits. The cake was sent from the Caswell Kennels in Toledo, Ohio, where Laddie Boy was born. Included with the package was a letter allegedly penned by Laddie Boy’s father, Champion Tintern Tip Top, who wrote:
“It is hard to realize what a famous family member we have in you, Laddie Boy. If we did not see your pictures which appear so often in the newspapers and magazines it would be hard for us to realize that you have grown to doghood and are no longer the roistering young blade that we bade good-bye to long ago.”
Special thanks for the photos and text by: The Smithsonian Magazine; The White House’s First Celebrity Dog (resource story); by Diane Tedeschi, Smithsonian.com, January 22, 2009